About Me

I'm a Software Engineer in my final year at Purdue University, set to graduate in December 2024. I'm driven by a passion for software development and an insatiable curiosity to learn and grow in the field. As I wrap up my studies, I'm genuinely excited to dive into the world of professional software engineering. Come January 2025, I hope to join a team where I can not only apply what I've learned, but also continue to grow and make a real impact through code.

Technical Interests

My passion for coding is reflected in my diverse tech stack. Over the past 5 years, I've gained experience with a wide array of languages and tools, focusing on full-stack development and machine learning. While I prefer working with Python, Java, and the MERN stack, I'm also proficient in:

Languages: Java, C, C#, C++, Python, SQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, R, Neo4j

Frameworks and Developer Tools: .NET, React, Node.js, Azure, AWS, GCP, Docker, Git

Beyond Programming

My curiosity extends beyond technology into a love for travel and cultural exploration. My adventures have taken me across the United States and internationally, with recent trips to Japan, Croatia, and New Zealand. Within the U.S., I've explored cities from coast to coast, including New York, Washington D.C., Houston, and Chicago. Immersing myself into these different cultures has helped broaden my perspective about cultures and the world in a positive way.

In my travels, I embrace the opportunity to hike and capture the beauty of nature through photography. This hobby not only serves as a creative outlet but also reinforces my appreciation for the world beyond the digital realm.

I also love to play sports. Soccer and basketball are my go-to sports, whether I'm playing pickup games with friends or competing in Rec Leagues. I enjoy the mix of strategy and physicality these two sports offer. As a fan, I've had the chance to experience the unique atmosphere of live NBA, NFL, NHL, and Soccer games. Growing up in California I quickly became a fan of the Warriors, 49ers, and Sharks, but overseas I decided to support Arsenal.